ReadingLirael, Measure for Measure, The English Patient, Heart of Darkness, Suikoden III, Candidate for Goddess
Watching House, Rick Mercer's Monday Report, Gilmore Girls, Scrubs, Corner Gas, Aishiteruze Baby, Prince of Tennis, Hikaru no Go
Playing The Bard's Tale, Katamari Damacy, Curse of Monkey Island, Final Fantasy VI, Disgaea: Hour of Darkness, Pretty Barbie Dressup Party Final Fantasy X-2(group gaming)
Back-burner Star Ocean: Till the End of Time, Star Ocean: The Second Story, Final Fantasy Tactics: Advance, Baldur's Gate: Tales of the Sword Coast, Planescape: Torment, Final Fantasy VII
Obsessing Firefly, Erik and Ray, Impulse/Bart Allen, Ford Prefect, Monkey Island, Nostalgia.
Upcoming Things of Importance January 5 First day of classes January 14 Birthday party
Is by Meimi, that wonderful Goddess who brings joy and happiness to the hearts of Ingrids.
This time, Meimi brought joy by doing a layout of Isumi Shinichirou and Waya Yoshitaka, of Hikaru no Go. It is full of wub.
If I ever get married, I am -not- honeymooning in Niagra Falls
1/13/2005 08:49:44 AM
"Oh, Black Mage. You and your paranoid delusions. 'These are dark warriors.' 'White mage likes me.' 'Thief is trying to rob us of our very souls.'" - Thief, 8-Bit Theater.
I think I'm officially cursed.
Last night I actually went to bed before midnight. I was very tired and was making the effort to actually get something resembling sleep. And 'lo, I fell asleep. Only to be woken up around 12.30 by A Noise. A loud scrabbling weird and all around bad noise inside the wall.
My first thought was, of course: RATS.
So I stayed hidden in bed with the covers pulled over my head until I couldn't ignore it any longer - it was really quite an annoying noise.
Since there was nothing immediately wrong in the bedroom, I stumbled sleepily to the bathroom.
Where I found the half the floor covered in water, with more dripping in from the ceiling and some unknown point under the sink (which, incidentally, ended up getting a chunk of my only roll of paper towels wet). At a loss (and, after checking in the residence booklet and seeing that if I called the maintenace men in after hours it would cost me a hundred dollars), I did the only thing I could think of doing - got a lot of paper towels and, eventually, some spare towels I found in a closet, and threw them down on the floor, and sat, waiting for the water to stop so I could go back to sleep.
Not long after the stunned water discovery, a man in some kind of uniform came to the door and asked me if everything was okay. When I explained about the rapidly dampening bathroom, he nodded and put the blame on one of the apartments on the floor above mine, where, apparently, the hot water pipe under the sink had exploded at some point. They only just got the water turned off and maintenace people would be along to deal with the problem at ground zero, so anything still dripping into the apartment was just water that had appeared before the got the hot water there turned off.
So I sat until 2 in the morning, desperately wanting to go to bed, waiting for the water to stop dripping and the weird ticking noise in the bedroom wall to stop.
It did, I got about four and a half hours of sleep, and now I'm awake, living in an apartment where the bathroom ceiling is bumpy from water retention or something (I think I'm going to put in a message down on the maintenace sheet to have them look at it, just in case), and in a minute, I'm going to get dressed for class.
It's -51 outside.
Sometimes, I wodner why I even bother.
Overwhelmed and very, very tired, Almighty Ingrid, Signing Off
Yeah, I'm thinking it may be, but I have to decide within the next couple of weeks whether I want to move or not, and it's not a decision I'm very good at making because moving is -hard- since I've basically got all my worldly goods in here, and, well, it's a lot of stuff to move. And it would basically mean I'd have to find an apartment very quickly, and be moving out during finals and . . . I just don't like moving, so I try to put it off as much as possible. I think I'm really mostly just daunted by the thought of having to look for an apartment and figure out how to do all that junk. This place is owned by the university and a sort of off-campus student residence, so getting it was not, I imagine, the same as getting a real apartment. Sigh.